Purchasing a Pet Portrait

Want a pet portrait of your own? Here’s how!

  1. Find the option that you like the most. Prices and examples are shown below. Not seeing what you want? Reach out to me and let’s talk about what you’re thinking!
  2. Go to my online store and select your option.
  3. I’ll send you a confirmation email and ask for your favorite reference pictures and any other specific requests you may have for the commission such as background color, lettering, or favorite objects to include.
Pencil$40.00 Sketch using graphite pencil (can request colored pencil, only one tone)
Pencil + Ink$60.00Sketch using graphite pencil (can request colored pencil, only one tone) and ink details
Ink + watercolor wash$75.00Ink drawing with watercolor wash (one tone)
Ink + watercolor shading$85.00Ink drawing with full watercolor shading
Watercolor$100.00Full watercolor painting (all details and coloring done in watercolor)